Selected Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles, Conference Papers, and Public Policy Submissions
My research interests underpin my Seanad Éireann legislative and policy programme. I have included a number of papers under three headings of Gender & Education, Irish Neutrality, and Ireland & the European Union here. These contributions to my own academic discipline can enable prospective voters to make an informed decision on my expertise, values, and policy agenda.
I have extensive research and analysis of developments in European Union treaties and secondary legislation.
In the wake of many media appearances on TV programmes such as The Tonight with Vincent Browne Show, dissecting various drafts of the Stability Mechanism Treaty and Fiscal Compact, I received an invitation to appear on 23 February 2012 as an expert witness before the Joint Oireachtas Committee on European Union Affairs.
I discussed the treaties in the context of the financial crisis and Ireland's political and economic situation.
Ireland and the EU - Presentation on the Financial Crisis treaties
Oireachtas Engagement - European Union Affairs
Dr. Karen Devine